🙉We Will Rekt You🙉 mint Now

Section for collectors of NFT art.
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🙉We Will Rekt You🙉 mint Now

Be early to come over here to win the chance to get REKT before my idiot friends come in with their smart money.
Our vision is to get you idiots REKT so that you won't waste your treasurable time in this ridiculous marketplace. Plz leave my metaverse and go back to your fking real life.
99% of you will waste 100% of your gas fee and receive a useless JPEG. Only 1% of lucky fellows who get the super rare ""Dao beads"" will be able to join our Private Channel to enjoy more worthless benefits you can't even imagine.
0% of the participants can earn a dime from my project.
Drawing these sick JPEGs wasted my bloody 3.14 hours. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to criticize my artwork.
Listing of prices above 0.00 ETH will be strictly forbidden in this project. After you mint the token, please send it to the burn address straightaway. You can make 3 wishes during token burning. We guarantee that whatever you wish will never come true.

▫️ Opensea link: https://opensea.io/collection/we-will-rekt-you

▫️ Mint link: https://wewillrektyou.io/
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Re: 🙉We Will Rekt You🙉 mint Now

I appreciate your suggestion but do you know if you have no money then how will you buy such beautiful thing sowhich is why I will say trdaing Forex or cryptos will be mch better than this and yes FreshForex will be really good broker in this case.
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