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Applying to be an artist

Posted: 18 May 2021, 20:43
by Arus
To become an artists or contributor on KnownOrigin you must create a profile page. This is typically a profile picture, Bio and social account such as twitter and instagram and can be done via the Sign in tab. Artists will need to have a digital wallet such as or TrustWallet installed before doing this. Once a profile is created you are free to apply via Our Artist application form . We spend time reviewing the applications and verifying the artists via direct comms on Instagram, twitter and email. We try to ensure a very high level of due diligence and this can have an impact on how long it takes us to add new artists to the platform.
Create digital artwork
Artists create digital artwork that they can tokenise via KnownOrigin. All artwork files are held on IPFS (a distributed storage solution), these assets are given unique identifiers which can be tracked for chain-of-custody and provenance.
Upload artwork file to the gallery
The artist always controls the number of copies that exist which creates scarcity. Once all the assets have been sold no more will ever be created. All digital artwork can be traced transparently using blockchain technology and anyone can view the transaction history.
Sell rare digital art to a new wave of art collector
Collectors can buy digital assets as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) minted via KnownOrigin smart contract. We are a commission based platform and this is programmed in to the smart contract, so no middlemen are required, artists will immediately receive renumeration of their hard work and effort.