Metaverse Blurring the Line between Physical & Virtual World

Section for artists who create NFT art.
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Metaverse Blurring the Line between Physical & Virtual World

This is a new age, and with it comes a new challenge. People are increasingly reliant on the internet, but physical limits still bind the world. Metaverse is trying to bridge this gap between the physical and virtual world, connecting people to the virtual world.

Metaverse makes the world accessible to everyone. To facilitate the creation of 3D content, there are Metaverse platforms like XANA creating an open-source development tool that allows users to create 3D content using their favorite software tools easily.

In addition, XANA Metaverse's Avatar program provides users with a single blockchain-based identity (Avatar) that they can use across the entire virtual world to securely share personal information. XANA is advancing at a brisk pace creating the virtual experience like an illusion of the physical world with NFT games, Avatar creation, interlinked NFT marketplace with Metaverse compatible NFTs, etc.
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