Tonight I created one of the most rare NFTs and put on auction for insanely low price i don't know why but I just did it

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Tonight I created one of the most rare NFTs and put on auction for insanely low price i don't know why but I just did it

Hey everyone , wish you all are doing well. tonight I minted on opensea a Supre rare, unique , insanely creative NFT called Goodbye earth!! which is a huuuuge flying dragon in space eating the entire earth planet in one swallow. I've gone crazy and put it on auction with a crazy low price of 0.0095 ETH ONLY!!! I don't exactly know why I'm wasting it this way but it's all good. I would love you all to take a look at it and see what's up, share your opinions with me, and/or even buy it as quickly as possible ! here is the link: ... 0652f59/1/

let's share ideas . let's suppost the nft community. let's support the new comers to nft industry << this is very important!! please show your support!!!!
AlirezA C2 NFT
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