Diablo 4: How to Get the Genesis and Evernight Tuning Stones

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Diablo 4: How to Get the Genesis and Evernight Tuning Stones


There are a total of 25 Tuning Stones that you can acquire in Diablo 4, but the two most powerful ones, Evernight and Genesis, are far rarer than the others in Season 3. In this guide, we will show you how to obtain them.

Note: All this information comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your Diablo 4 gaming experience. They also offer Diablo IV Items for sale here to help you achieve your build goals quickly and easily.

Evernight is effectively a mini Harlequin Crest. The bonus +4 to All Skills only affects your Active Skills, making it an incredibly powerful effect. Additionally, this Tuning Stone significantly decreases the Cooldown on certain skills like Ground Stomp. To maximize its effect, you can combine it with another Tuning Stone such as Swift Support.

Next, we have the Genesis Uber Tuning Stone, which has a completely different effect than Evernight. Its effect is straightforward, as it boosts the effectiveness of the supported skill by a significant amount. The effect is as follows: "Increase the effectiveness of the Supported Skill by 150%." However, the choice of which Governing Stone to use with it can vary. You can use this stone with some of the Seneschal's damaging skills to make them more powerful, or you can enhance your build with combinations of debuffs on enemies using skills like Lightning Bolt combined with Poison Support or Frigid Support.

Unfortunately, finding either of these stones will prove to be extremely difficult. There are only a few known methods that have a chance to reward you with the stone, and all of them have very low drop rates:

Complete Arcane Tremor events by defeating the Herald of Malphas.
Run and finish Vaults, as well as open Wardwoven Chests within the Vaults.
Craft Tuning Stones using Shattered Stones at a Jeweler.
Defeat the Echo of Malphas.

Out of all these methods, the highest drop rate for these stones is by defeating the Echo of Malphas. While this boss is extremely difficult to defeat, especially solo, it might be the fastest way to earn your first Uber Tuning Stone.

So, you will likely need to exercise extreme patience when trying to obtain either of the Uber Tuning Stones. Don't expect to acquire them quickly. Of course, if RNG is on your side, you could have your Seneschal equipped with an Uber Tuning Stone or two faster than expected. Good luck!
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