What are PFP NFTs?

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What are PFP NFTs?

PFP NFTs or Profile picture NFTs are just what they seem. NFTs and avatars that can be used as a user’s profile picture on social media. We’ve heard of avatars on NFT gaming platforms. But social media profile pictures? Ever since Crypto Punks minted 10,000 unique avatars in 2017, the trend of PFP NFTs has grown in leaps and bounds. In January this year, Twitter allowed users to display their NFTs as profile pictures, with a hexagonal shape to set them apart.

So why are PFP NFTs such a huge thing in 2022? The answer is simpler than you’d think. NFTs, right now, are valuable and rare commodities. Owning one, therefore, has become a status symbol which crypto-enthusiasts clamour to have on their profiles. With Meta allowing sharing of NFTs on its platforms, PFP NFTs might continue to grow, leading the way to Metaverse avatars right alongside avatars on NFT game marketplaces.

Check https://www.jump.trade/
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