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Hackers earned $ 712 thousand from the release of Cryptopunks

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 18:42
by SkitRa
The hackers stopped the work of the Meebits project, launched by the American studio Larva Labs, which allowed users to issue random types of NFT-tokens with a three-dimensional image of CryptoPunks. The first pictures were released 4 years ago in the form of tokens with 2D images of 10 thousand unique characters.
Investor collectors have over time determined the value of these images by a number of traits and types of characters, including men, women, zombies, monkeys and the image of the "Alien" from the cult horror movie.
The Meebits platform endowed users with a certain number of requests that allow you to generate a 3D model of a random NFT-token CryptoPunks, which could turn out to be an ordinary or rare instance. Hackers exploited a vulnerability in the smart contract code in terms of request cancellation. This mechanism worked when, during a random generation, a picture of a previously issued token fell out.

Attackers received identifiers of characteristics of all 10 thousand 3D models of NFT tokens. Then they canceled their generation requests until they got a rare instance. In particular, they managed to auction a rare token found by such a search for $ 712 thousand.
Larva Labs found a suspiciously large number of cancellations of release requests in a smart contract and stopped Meebits. The hacker attack was not aimed at users' wallets, so none of them suffered financial losses.

The developers promise that they will fulfill their obligations to the project participants who did not exercise their right to release 3D CryptoPunks models. and will also distribute the promised reward to the airdrop.